西南大学-卑尔根大学逻辑工作坊是旨在加强挪威卑尔根大学逻辑与人工智能小组(the LAI, UiB)与西南大学逻辑与智能研究中心(the ILI, SWU)之间的人才培养与科研合作而搭建的学术平台,致力于加强中挪两国逻辑学者间的合作与交流。本次工作坊分为17场报告讨论,将围绕会议议题讨论认知逻辑、联盟逻辑、动态逻辑、社会网络逻辑等现代逻辑及其应问题。会议联合主席由郭美云教授与Thomas Ågotnes教授担当,熊作军副教授负责具体会务工作。
参会人员:Thomas Agotnes(卑尔根大学)、Fernando Raymundo VelazquezQuesada(卑尔根大学)、Rustam Galimullin(卑尔根大学)、John Elias Lindqvust(卑尔根大学)、 郭美云(西南大学)、李章吕(西南大学)、熊作军(西南大学)、孙洋(西南大学)、琚凤魁(北京师范大学)、徐超(山西大学)、王奕岩(山西大学)、李大柱(中国科学院大学)、梁晓龙(山西大学)、石辰威(清华大学)、李磊(陕西师范大学)、徐康(浙江工商大学)、李延军(南开大学)、李楷(山西大学)、潘易欣(西南大学)、李斌(西南大学)、李尹峰(图卢兹第三大学)等。

The SWU-UiB Logic Workshop is designed to strengthen academic interaction and cooperation between the Logic and AI Group of the University of Bergen in Norway (the LAI, UiB) and the Institute of Logic and Intelligence of Southwest University (the ILI, SWU), as well as logic scholars from Norway and China. The SWU-UiB Logic Workshop 2024 (or say SoBer24, abbreviations from Southwest and Bergen) contains 17 talks and covers topics of epistemic logic, coalition logic, dynamic logic, logic of social networks, etc. SoBer24 is chaired by Prof. Meiyun Guo and Prof. Thomas Ågotnes, and Zuojun Xiong is responsible for the workshop affairs.
TIME: March 26-28, 2024
PLACE: Room 3326, NO.3 Teaching Building, the College of State Governance, Southwest University, Beibei District, Chongqing, China
TOPICS: Artificial intelligence logic, Multi-agent system logic, Dynamic epistemic logic, Social network logic, etc.
PROGRAM: Registration (March 26), Workshop(from March 27 to the noon time of 28). Details see: https://www.jianguoyun.com/p/DXqNdsMQ-Mq7DBjFzbsF
Thomas Agotnes (University of Bergen), Fernando Raymundo VelazquezQuesada (University of Bergen), Rustam Galimullin (University of Bergen), John Elias Lindqvust (University of Bergen), Meiyun Guo (Southwest University), Zhanglyu Li (Southwest University), Zuojun Xiong (Southwest University),Yan Sun (Southwest University), Fengkui Ju (Beijing Normal University), Chao Xu (Shanxi University), Yiyan Wang (Shanxi University), Dazhu Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xiaolong Liang (Shanxi University),Chenwei Shi (Tshinghua University), Lei Li (Shaanxi Normal University), Kang Xu (Zhejiang Gongshan University), Yanjun Li (Nankai University), Kai Li (Shanxi University), Yixin Pan (Southwest University), Bin Li (Southwest University), Yinfeng Li (University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier) etc.
Chao Xu |
A New Logic of Container Image Schema |
Chenwei Shi
Reasoning about Dependence, Preference and Coalitional Power |
Dazhu Li
A Modal Approach Towards Substitutions |
Fengkui Ju, Yinfeng Li
A Minimal Coalition Logic |
Fernando Raymundo VelazquezQuesada |
Distributed Beliefs in Plausibility Models |
John Elias Lindqvust |
Resolving distributed belief |
Kai Li |
Normative Systems and Games |
Lei Li |
A Modal Logic for Reasoning in Distributed Games |
Rustam Galimullin |
Why Quantification in DEL is Fun |
Thomas Ågotnes |
Common-Enough Knowledge |
Xiaolong Liang |
Epistemic Logic with Impredicative Truth Predicates |
Yang Sun |
A Minimal Convex Modal Logic |
Yanjun Li |
Knowing How to Plan about Planning |
Yixin Pan, Meiyun Guo |
Probabilistic Epistemic Logic Based on Neighborhood Semantics |
Yiyan Wang |
Collective Agency as Relational Entity |
Zhanglyu Li, Bin Li |
The Measurement of Belief--Ramsey Method and Bradley's Defense |
Zuojun Xiong |
A Secret Logic in Multiagent systems |
后续见:会议综述 | 西南大学-卑尔根大学逻辑工作坊 。