报告人:Rush Stewart 博士*
慕尼黑大学数学哲学中心助理教授(MCMP, LMU,Germany )
时 间:2018年12月17、19日(周一、周三) 19:30-21:30
地 点:政治与公共管理学院3203学术报告厅
报告 I:概率化观念的聚合方法介绍
This lecture will be an introduction to axiomatic approaches to opinion pooling, that is, to the problem of aggregating various probabilistic assessments or opinions into a collective opinion. He will motivate the study of the problem of aggregation and review a bit of the history of formal approaches to aggregation. Then, after introducing the general framework and some of the central pooling axioms, he will survey some of the central results including some important limitative theorems.
报告 II:非精确概率下概率化观念的聚合
In this lecture, Doctor Stewart will consider a generalization of the standard opinion pooling framework that appeals to imprecise probabilities. In addition to reviewing some of the motivations for using imprecise probabilities in general, he will look at one philosophical case for using imprecise probabilities in the context of pooling in particular. Then, he will explain how imprecise probabilities allow us to establish that certain collections of desirable aggregation properties that are not simultaneously satisfiable in the standard setting are jointly satisfiable in the setting of imprecise probabilities. Finally, he will make some remarks on another prominent approach to achieving probabilistic agreement and its connections to opinion pooling with imprecise probabilities.
*现任德国慕尼黑大学数学哲学中心助理教授。2017年毕业于哥伦比亚大学哲学系,师从Jessica Collins、Isaac Levi教授,并获博士学位。2018年夏,剑桥大学CSER中心访问学者。Stewart博士在慕尼黑大学讲授理性选择、认知学以及科学哲学。详细信息请访问这里。