2021年10月19日,首届“天辅最佳学生论文奖”在西安交通大学举行的第八届“逻辑、理性与互动”(LORI-VIII)国际会议上隆重颁发。北京大学博士生王勋同学为大会提交的论文《一阶模态逻辑∃□-片段的完全性定理》(Completeness theorems for ∃□-fragment of first-order modal logic)荣获首届天辅最佳学生论文奖。


王勋同学的论文将王彦晶在《一种新的认知逻辑模态框架》(A New Modal Framework for Epistemic Logic,TARK 2017)中的研究进一步推进,提出在K,D,T,4,S4框架下增论域模型和常论域模型上一阶模态逻辑∃□-片段的公理化,并给出了增论域模型和常论域模型上完备性定理的一般证明策略。该论文得到了大会三位匿名评审专家的一致好评。
Next, I think it should be an exciting moment, because on behalf of the organizing committee, I will announce the winner of this year’s Tianfu Best Student Paper award. Starting this year, LORI has established the Tianfu Best Student Paper Award, which is provided by the Su Tianfu Education Foundation of Southwest University. Su Tianfu was a famous logician in China who studied under Mr. Jin Yuelin, known as the first person in philosophy of China. The most important thing is that I was his master student from 1991 to 1994 last century. After graduating from Tsinghua University in 1952, he was assigned to Northeast Normal University in Changchun and transferred to Southwest University in Chongqing in 1956 where he worked until his retirement. He died in 2017 at the age of 95. After his death, his family and his disciples donated money to establish the Su Tianfu Education Foundation of Southwest University to support the development of logic in China. We are very pleased to present this year’s LORI Award for Best Student Paper to whom? She is Xun Wang, from Philosophy Department of Peking University, on account of her contribution, "Completeness theorems for \exists\Box-fragment of first-order modal logic." This notable paper studies a natural fragment of first-order modal logic, the so-called \exists\Box-fragment, which nicely encodes important wh-interrogative constructions such as knowing-who, knowing-what, and many others. Across different classes of frames (constant-domain, varying-domain), the author proves novel completeness theorems, establishing some fundamental theoretical understanding around these fragments. The expert reviewers at the conference particularly praised the paper’s clarity of presentation, and the inherent interest of the problems the paper convincingly solves. Congratulations, Xun Wang!
接下来我认为应当是激动人心的时刻。我将代表会议组织委员会宣布今年天辅最佳学生论文奖的获得者。从今年开始,LORI设立了天辅最佳学论文奖。该奖由西南大学苏天辅教育基金会支持。苏天辅是中国著名逻辑学家,是被誉为“中国哲学第一人”的金岳霖先生的弟子。幸运的是,我于1991到1994年跟随苏天辅先生学习。自1952年从清华大学毕业后,苏天辅先生首先被分配到东北师范大学,后又于1956年调入西南师范大学直至退休。苏天辅先生逝世于2017年,享年95岁。为表达对他的思念,并推动中国逻辑学研究事业的发展,苏天辅先生的家人及弟子捐资设立了西南大学苏天辅教育基金。本届最佳学生论文得主是谁呢?她是来自北京大学哲学系的王勋。她的论文《一阶模态逻辑存在必然片段的完全性定理》研究了一阶模态逻辑中的一个自然片段,即存在必然片段(∃□-片段),并较好地融合了对wh-问询式结构(如knowing-what, knowing-who等)的研究。在不同框架类下(增论域和常论域),该论文证明了新颖的完全性定理,并给出了对这些片段的一些基础性的理论理解。评审专家们特别赞扬了论文的清晰表达,以及文章对一固定问题持续不断的探究。让我们向王勋表示祝贺!
(李章吕 供稿;郭美云 熊明辉 审核;李杭亦 发布)