Junli Jiang is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at Southwest University. At present, she is also the deputy office manager and secretary of ILI.
She received her M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from Southwest University in 2007 and 2011, respectively. The PhD program was a joint program with the Graduate Center, City University of New York, and she studied at the Center for one year as a PhD student since August 2010. After that, she spent three years as a post-doctoral fellow at the College of Economics and Management, Southwest University (2011-2014), and has been a lecturer at ILI since May 2014. Her master's thesis and Ph.D. thesis were awarded as High Quality Master/PhD Thesis of Southwest University.
She focused on the applications of Modern Logic and Rational Choice Theory, especially applied to actions in coalitions, decisions, and social networks. Some results have been published in journals such as Philosophical Trends, Computer Science, Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Science), and so on. Also, as a translator and co-editor, some books and papers have been published by Science Press, Economic Press China, and so on.
As a principal investigator, she has conducted three school-funded, provincial and national-funded projects. As a teacher, she offers courses such as "Introduction to Logic", "Game Theory and Decision Theory", "Mathematical Logic and Set Theory", "Learning Selected Sino-Western Main Literature", etc. to undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students. In 2014, she won the Best Award for Micro-lecture Teaching Competition of Southwest University.
For a list of publications, please check here.
For more information, please send an email to Junli Jiang (walk08 swu.edu.cn).
(Last updated on 22 Nov 2017)