Zuojun Xiong received his PhD degree (supervised by Prof. Thomas Ågotnes) from the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen in 2017. Since January 2018, he has been working as a full-time lecturer and researcher at ILI. From June 2021, he is an Associate Professor at ILI and is interested in all things related to modal logic, especially logics about the dynamics and information in social networks, i.e. the interaction of secrets. Zuojun Xiong's research can be broadly categorized in the following areas:
Interaction of Knowledge, Belief and Secrets What are the logical properties of secret information? In a recent paper On the Logical Semantics of "Secrets" with Yuzhi Zhang (Shandong), we discuss secrets as modalities on the semantics of knowledge and belief, and, together with Thomas Ågotnes on the axiomatization of logics in (fixed-agent) secrets (The Logic of Secrets and the Interpolation Rule). Later, an extended paper on the logic of reflexive and transitive frames is presented at the 17th National Conference on Modern Logic (NCML22).
Logics in social networks Logics can describe reasonings in social networks. See On the Logic of Balance in Social Networks with Thomas Ågotnes for axiomatization of the (un)balance theory in normal modal logics, Towards a Logic of Tweeting with Thomas Ågotnes, Jeremy Seligman (Auckland) and Rui Zhu (Auckland) for axiomatization of the action of pushing tweets (or Weibo in China), and later, an extension of quantifying over tweets is studied on Arbitrary Network Announcement Logic with Thomas Ågotnes. Also, the action of following in social networks is characterized with hybrid logic on A Dynamic Hybrid Logic for Followership with Meiyun Guo (Chongqing).
Preference, Decision and Issue-management Based on issue-oriented strategies, see A dynamic preference logic with issue-management with Meiyun Guo on how issue changes the preference order. Later, collaboration with Jeremy Seligman, we intensively explore the relationship between questions and decision-making, see How questions guide choices: a preliminary logical investigation and Open and closed questions in decision-making.
For a list of publications, please check Research Gate, DBLP, or here for 中文.
For more information, please contact to Zuojun Xiong by email (zuojunxiongswueducn).
(Last updated on 30 Dec 2022)