1. Personal Information
Meiyun Guo, male, born in December 1976 in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, China. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy, is a professor, and serves as a doctoral supervisor. Currently, he is the Director of the Logic and Intelligence Research Center at Southwest University and the Deputy Dean of the National Governance School at Southwest University. Additionally, he holds positions such as Vice President of the Chinese Association for Logic, President of the Chongqing Logic Society, Deputy Director of the National Committee of Modern Logic, and Committee Member of the International Symposium on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction. He obtained his Ph.D. in Logic from Peking University in 2006 and conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 2010 to 2011. His main research interests include cognitive logic, logical philosophy, analytical philosophy, and linguistic philosophy. He has published over 20 papers in prestigious domestic journals such as "Philosophical Research," "Studies in Dialectics of Nature," and "Philosophical Trends," as well as in top international conference proceedings. He has also co-edited, contributed to, and translated four books. Guo has led four projects funded by national and provincial-level institutions, including the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education, and has been recognized with awards such as the title of Reserve Candidate for Disciplinary Leaders in Chongqing and the Third Outstanding Achievement Translation Award from the Chinese Association for Logic.
2. Major Academic Experience
- September 1996 - July 2000: Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences from Southwest Normal University.
- September 2000 - July 2003: Master's degree in Logic from Southwest Normal University.
- September 2003 - July 2006: Ph.D. in Logic from Peking University.
- Since July 2006: Associate Professor and Professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration, Southwest University.
- January 2010 - January 2011: Postdoctoral research at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam.
- September 2011 - October 2011: Visiting research at the University of Western Sydney, Australia.
3. Research Achievements
Papers (Selected):
- Analysis of the Main Characteristics and Philosophical Influence of Gentzen’s Logical Deduction Thought , Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2016, Issue 8.
- Reflections on Natural Deductive Logic, Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2016, Issue 1.
- Analysis of Two Solutions to Game Dilemmas, Journal of Southwest University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2015, Issue 2.
- Cognitive Logic Analysis of the Principle of Confirmation, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, May 2014, Issue 5.
- Defense of Logical "New Mentalism" by John von Neumann, Philosophical Research, 2013, Issue 8.
Books (Selected):
- Modern Cognitive Logic: Theory and Application, Science Press, October 2010.
- Predicate Logic, Introduction to New Logic (Chapter Four), People's Publishing House, China Agricultural University Press, August 2009.
Translations (Selected):
- "Human Existence Is Not Isolated: Logic and Communication" by John von Neumann, Logic Gate - The Works of John von Neumann Volume I: Logic, Information, and Interaction, Science Press, June 2008.
- "Dynamic Logic of Belief Revision" by John von Neumann, Logic Gate - The Works of John von Neumann Volume I: Logic, Information, and Interaction, Science Press, June 2008.
4. Project Responsibilities
Ongoing Projects (Selected):
- Key Project of the National Social Science Fund: Research on Dynamic Logic for Games, started in June 2015.
- Reform and Practice of Logic Course System for Cultivating Innovation Ability of Graduate Students, Research Project of Chongqing Graduate Education Teaching Reform, Project Number: yjg143035, approved in 2014.
- Key Project of the Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Special Funds: Philosophical Research on the Mechanism of Integrity Formation under the Background of Social Rationality, Project Number: 2362015xk02, started in 2015.
- Key Project of the Central University Basic Scientific Research Business Special Funds: Research on Cognitive Logic of Interaction in Games, Project Number: SWU1309380, started in 2013.
- Key Project of Chongqing Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base: Basic Research on the Logic and Cognitive Foundation of Games, approved in 2014.
Completed Projects (Selected):
- Youth Project of the National Social Science Fund: Research on Dynamic Logic for Knowledge Update and Belief Revision, Project Number: 09CZX033, 2009-2014 (appraised as excellent).
- Youth Project of the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Fund: Basic Theory and Application Research of Dynamic Cognitive Logic, Project Number: 08JC72040002, completed in June 2015.
- Key Project of Southwest University's Basic Scientific Research Business Funds: Research on Cognitive Logic for Intelligent Agents, Project Number: SWU0909512, 2009-2012.
- Key Project of Chongqing Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base: Extension Research on Dynamic Cognitive Logic, Project Number: 11SKB16, 2011-May 2014.
- Key Project of Chongqing Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base: Research on Dynamic Logic of Belief Revision, Project Number: 07SK225, 2007-2009.
- Southwest University Doctoral Fund Project: Application of Dynamic Cognitive Logic in Artificial Intelligence, 2006-2008.
5. Academic Reports
- Two Solutions to Game Dilemmas, 2014 National Academic Conference of the Chinese Association for Logic, Xiangtan University, November 7-8, 2014.
- Cognitive Logic Analysis of the Principle of Confirmation, National Modern Logic Symposium, Beijing Normal University, October 24-26, 2014.
- Game Dilemmas and Their Solutions, 2014 Chongqing Logic Society Academic Seminar, Chongqing University, March 29, 2014.
- Some Variants of Iterated Regret Minimization Algorithms, A Door to Logic, A Meeting on Logic, Language and Translation, Tsinghua University, October 19, 2013, Beijing.
- From Dynamic Epistemic Logic to Social Network Logic, The First Chongqing Workshop on Pure and Applied Logic, Southwest University, June 19, 2014.
- Commentator: Logic across the University: Foundations and Applications, Tsinghua University, October 14-16, 2013.
- Reasoning about Free Preference with Uncertainty, Chongqing Workshop on Logic, Language and Information, Southwest University, June 22, 2013.
- Knowledge, preference and freedom in social-decision making, Centenary Academic Report of the Department of Philosophy, Peking University, October 28, 2012.
- Characterization of Equilibrium Solutions in Strategic Games (Keynote Speech), National Modern Logic Symposium, Fudan University, October 2012.
- Logics of Belief over Weighted Structures, The 3rd International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Guangzhou, China, October 27-29, 2012.
6. Honors and Awards
- Recognized as a Reserve Candidate for Disciplinary Leaders in Chongqing in 2015.
- Received the Third Outstanding Achievement Translation Award from the Chinese Association for Logic in 2013.
- Honored with the First Prize for Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Supervisors at Southwest University in June 2009.
- Awarded the Second Prize for Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Supervisors at Southwest University in June 2014.
- Acknowledged as an Outstanding Supervisor for Graduation Internship at Southwest University in June 2016.
For a list of more publications, please check here.
For more information, please send an email to Meiyun Guo (guomy007
(Last updated on 22 Nov 2019)